Defending Yourself When Facing A DUI Charge

Being charged with driving under the influence is a serious matter that many people will find themselves facing due to accidentally drinking too much before getting into their vehicle. While this can be a frightening experience, it can also be possible for a defendant to effectively contest these charges so that the end result on their lives will be minimal.

Myth: There Are No Consequences For Refusing A Breathalyzer Test

After being detained for suspicion of driving under the influence, you may be given a breathalyzer test to measure your blood alcohol level. Unfortunately, some people may not realize that refusing to submit for this breathalyzer test can result in extremely severe penalties. In addition to facing the suspension of their license, individuals may also face fines and even a jail sentence for failure to comply with this request. While this may not seem fair to driver at the time, it is often a requirement to submit to a breathalyzer test in order to have a license issued.

Myth: A Fine Is The Worst That Can Happen With A DUI Charge

Underestimating the penalties that arise from a DUI conviction can be another mistake that is often made. While it is true that these convictions can result in hefty fines, it can also lead to the defendant permanently losing their license or having to go to jail. Furthermore, those convicted of this offense will also be required to undergo drug abuse treatment and safe driving courses. While these penalties may seem extreme, they are a result of the extreme risk that a drunk driver will create for others.

Myth: A DUI Attorney Can Do Little To Contest Or Reduce The Charges You Are Facing

Once you are arrested and charged with a DUI, a DUI attorney should be retained as soon as possible. Sadly, some defendants may assume that they should simply plead guilty to this charge. However, a defense attorney can help you with contesting this charge in a variety of ways. For example, they may be able to secure a less charge through negotiations with the prosecutor. The exact options that are available will depend on the facts of the case and the previous record of the defendant. A driver that is facing their first DUI charge will likely find that the prosecutor is more likely to be receptive to negotiating a lesser charge than if the driver has a history of driving under the influence charges.
